Along with the huge efforts from TPC team to support you throughout COVID-19, we've also been on a roll of getting our members in setup live with their new marketing tools!

Big congrats goes to agent Guardian Residential who have just gone live with their website.
Despite challenges faced due to Covid-19, all of us here at Property Collection are delighted that member Guardian Residential are now able to fully utilise all the innovative marketing products that are on offer to them.
In business since 1994, Guardian Residential are proud to be the longest serving, independent agency in Harlow town centre. Great news guys: it really does prove that anything is possible!

Meanwhile, Chelmsford agent Adrians are also up and running with their website and range of marketing products that really sets them out from their competition. Established in 1971, Adrians are proud of their reputation as one of the most successful, independent estate agents in Chelmsford city, and the surrounding villages. With an enthusiastic and highly experienced team, their experience, professionalism and knowledge of the area, means they are able to provide the best possible service to all their clients.

Independent and with over 35 years’ experience, we’re excited to announce that Bee Residential are also now live with their new website! Bee are proud to provide a positive experience when it comes to buying and selling, and their friendly and down to earth, personal service has made it a delight to work in partnership with them.